SJA Jeju 2018/19 Fall Visiting Guest Author, Frank Cammuso


SJA Jeju Elementary Library invited Frank Cammuso, a well-known American author and cartoonist. He stayed in our community from November 22nd to 23rd. 

Before the author came, SJA Jeju middle school students participated in related activities. In English class, they wrote a short story about how to be brave and 6 winners were picked by teachers. The winners were given the chance to have a lunch with the author. In Art class, students drew their favorite book covers and these were displayed in front of the MS/HS library.

For two weeks prior to his elementary visit, Ms. Foyle, the librarian, had been reading from his graphic novels Salem Hyde: Spelling Trouble, Otto’s Orange Day and Creature Seeker: The Night Door. Students were very excited about his upcoming visit and many had pre-ordered his books weeks prior after receiving the Library Newsletter announcing his visit.

Frank Cammuso met SJA Jeju middle school students, and he gave a speech to each grade level on November 22nd. He introduced himself, his background, and his books. He also showed the main characters of his books and explained how to draw graphic novels. Students paid close attention to his speech and asked many questions. 

On November 23rd, Frank Cammuso started his morning in the library where he met with students from many grade levels to sign their books. He happily drew a cartoon while signing their books and their smiles were enormous. He was also gracious enough to sign pictures many students had drawn of their favorite characters and book covers. He took many pictures with the students and their drawings. They can be found on the SJA Jeju Website photo gallery.

During his presentation with 2nd through 5th grades, Mr. Cammuso discussed his background as a political cartoonist, how he started writing graphic novels and shared the secret title of the next book in his Creature Seeker series, The Lost City, which he is currently writing. Kinder & 1st grade listened to him read an excerpt of Salem Hyde and watched as he drew several of his very popular characters such as Salem, Whammy, and Otto. Which are now on display in the Elementary Library.