St. Johnsbury Academy Jeju is a unique academic community looking for students who want to engage in solid academic studies, discover their personal passions and think differently about the world around them.
세인트존스베리아카데미 제주는 특별한 학교 공동체로서, 학문 연구에 적극적으로 참여하고,
개인의 열정을 발견하며, 주변 세상에 대한 차별화 된 사고를 지닌 학생들을 기다리고 있습니다.
- Q1. What is the admissions Process?
- Q2. How do I apply?
- Q3. What documents will be required to complete applications?
- Q4. What is the age/birth date policy for students applying for PreK-3 to Grade 1?
- Q5. Do I need to submit my application before my interview?
- Q6. What are Info Sessions, Open Houses and school tours and when do they take place?
- Q7. What tests are required for admission?
- Q8. What is the MAP test?
- Q9. What is SJA Jeju seeking in a prospective student?
- Q10. Is SJA Jeju a religious school?
- Q11. Is your school accredited?
- Q12. When is the SJA Jeju academic school year?
- Q13. Are there after school activities or clubs?
- Q14. Are there advantages to enrolling in our boarding school?
- Q15. What about day student?
- Q16. What is an advisory program?
- Q17. What does your College Counseling Program offer to SJA Jeju students?
- Q18. What is Advanced Placement?
Q1. What is the admissions Process?
Q2. How do I apply?
Q3. What documents will be required to complete applications?
Q4. What is the age/birth date policy for students applying for PreK-3 to Grade 1?
Q5. Do I need to submit my application before my interview?
Q6. What are Info Sessions, Open Houses and school tours and when do they take place?
Q7. What tests are required for admission?
Q8. What is the MAP test?
Q9. What is SJA Jeju seeking in a prospective student?
Q10. Is SJA Jeju a religious school?
Q11. Is your school accredited?
Q12. When is the SJA Jeju academic school year?
Q13. Are there after school activities or clubs?
Q14. Are there advantages to enrolling in our boarding school?
Q15. What about day student?
Q16. What is an advisory program?
Q17. What does your College Counseling Program offer to SJA Jeju students?
Q18. What is Advanced Placement?
- Q1. 입학지원 절차는 어떻게 됩니까?
- Q2. 입학 지원은 어떻게 합니까?
- Q3. 지원 시 어떤 서류를 제출해야 합니까?
- Q4. 학년에 따른 지원자의 연령 자격은 무엇입니까?
- Q5. 입학 지원서는 면접 전까지 제출해야 합니까?
- Q6. 입학설명회, 오픈하우스, 캠퍼스 투어는 어떤 행사이며, 언제 개최됩니까?
- Q7. 입학 지원 시 요구하는 공인 시험이 있습니까?
- Q8. MAP 시험은 무엇입니까?
- Q9. SJA Jeju는 학생 선발 시 어떤 점을 중점적으로 봅니까?
- Q10. SJA Jeju는 종교와 관련 있는 학교입니까?
- Q11. SJA Jeju는 인증을 받은 학교입니까?
- Q12. SJA Jeju의 학기는 어떻게 구성되어 있습니까?
- Q13. 방과 후 활동이나 클럽이 있습니까?
- Q14. 기숙 학교에 등록하면 장점이 있습니까?
- Q15. 기숙학교에 등록하지 않고 통학할 경우에는 어떤 차이점이 있습니까?
- Q16. 어드바이저 프로그램은 무엇입니까?
- Q17. SJA Jeju의 대학입시 상담 프로그램은 학생들에게 무엇을 제공합니까?
- Q18. AP(Advanced Placement) 과목은 무엇입니까?