Leadership Opportunities

One aspect of leadership comes from the maturity and responsibility of being a member of the dorm. From waking up in the morning, to taking care of laundry and getting to school and meetings on time, students develop the responsibility needed for strong leadership.

In addition, we have a Dorm Leadership Team that provides leadership opportunities for selected students within the dorms to help set expectations and guide and plan dorm activities. 
We also have Dorm Ambassadors, a group that receives leadership training in the dorms and helps to plan and organize faculty childcare during Wednesday faculty meetings or Faculty Professional Development days.  This group learns how to lead effectively, plan activities, focus on giving to younger students, and they learn the patience needed to work with students of a variety of younger age groups.  This group also helps to lead tours with prospective students or adults who are visiting the school.  

Of course we also have the Peer Tutoring program  which gives dorm students another opportunity to lead and learn how to effectively plan and communicate. On Sunday evenings, High School students support Middle School students in evening study by being available to help with homework or difficult questions.  Peer tutors also can work together with a Middle School student to set up other times to assist them with their work.